Call for paper
April Edition 2017

International Journal of Applied Information Systems solicits high quality original research papers for the
March 15, 2017
April 2017 Edition of the journal.
The last date of research paper submission is
March 15, 2017

Number 4

Design and Implementation of an Open Ended Automated Vault Security System

journal image
  • Saunak Mitra and Sarit Hati and Diganta Sengupta and Indraneel Datta and Pratim Sinha Roy and Soumyanil Banerjee 2012. Design and Implementation of an Open Ended Automated Vault Security System. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 4, 4 (October 2012), 13-18. DOI=
  • @article{10.5120/ijais2017451568,
    author = {Saunak Mitra and Sarit Hati and Diganta Sengupta and Indraneel Datta and Pratim Sinha Roy and Soumyanil Banerjee},
    title = {Design and Implementation of an Open Ended Automated Vault Security System},
    journal = {International Journal of Applied Information Systems},
    issue_date = {October 2012},
    volume = {4},
    number = {},
    month = {October},
    year = {2012},
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  • %1 450687
    %A Saunak Mitra
    %A Sarit Hati
    %A Diganta Sengupta
    %A Indraneel Datta
    %A Pratim Sinha Roy
    %A Soumyanil Banerjee
    %T Design and Implementation of an Open Ended Automated Vault Security System
    %J International Journal of Applied Information Systems
    %V 4
    %P 13-18
    %D 2012
    %I  xA9 2010 by IJAIS Journal


It has always been in human nature that he tends to keep his prized possession in a secured place, a place where he thinks it would be safe from the rest of the world. The technical knowledge of man has increased exponentially with time leading to breakthroughs in modern security system. As every domain has witnessed pros and cons, hence the modern technology has also given rise to unethical developments in the arena of technically advanced security systems. The proposed system in this paper has been developed keeping in mind the vulnerabilities projected by the said technological advancement. A complex set of logic enhanced by competing software has been incorporated to design the work in concern. The said system has been termed as Open – Ended as the designated route to the vault is open for all to see, the trusted user as well as the trespassers. The beauty of the work is that even after knowing all the route combinations, only the authorized personnel can gain access to the vault. The novelty of the said work lies in the fact even if the authorized user is compromised by any means; he is bound to be trapped in the mesh structure surrounding the vault. The actual route to the vault is automatically generated by the software in a random manner, hence making it completely unpredictable for anyone, the creator of the system also, to predict the next accessible route to the vault through the mesh.


  1. K. NandaKumar, "Multibiometric Systems: Fusion Strategies and Template Security", PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University, January 2008.
  2. Ratha, N. K. , J. H. Connell, and R. M. Bolle, "Enhancing security and privacy in biometrics-based authentication systems", IBM Systems Journal, vol. 40, no. 3. Brown, L. D. , Hua, H. , and Gao, C. 2003.
  3. Jagadish H. Pujar, Lohit M. Kadlashkar, "A New Lossless Method of Image Compression and Decomposition using Huffman Coding", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
  4. Walter J. Scheirer and Terrance E. Boult, "Cracking Fuzzy Vaults and Biometric Encryption", Securics Inc. and University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
  5. Manvjeet Kaur, Dr. Sanjeev Sofat, Deepak Saraswat, "Template and Database Security in Biometrics System : A Challenging Task", International Journal of Computer Applications, number 5, article 1, 2010.


Automated Vault Security System, Security System, Logic based Security System, Open Ended Security System

Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences